The Nourish Balance Thrive podcast is designed to help you perform better. Christopher Kelly, your host, is a co-founder at Nourish Balance Thrive, an online clinic using advanced biochemical testing to help athletes overcome chronic health complaints and improve performance. On the podcast, Chris interviews leading minds in medicine, nutrition and health, as well as world-class athletes and members of the NBT team, to give you up-to-date information on the lifestyle changes and personalized techniques being used to make people go faster – from weekend warriors to Olympians and world champions.

Protein vs. Energy for Improved Body Composition and Healthspan

Ted Naiman MD is a board-certified Family Medicine physician in the Department of Primary Care at a leading major medical centre in Seattle. His research and medical practice are focused on the practical implementation of diet and exercise for health optimization. He is also the author of The P:E ...

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Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life

Luke Burgis is an entrepreneur and author, who has co-created and led four companies in wellness, consumer products, and technology. He is Managing Partner of Fourth Wall Ventures, an incubator that he founded to build, train, and invest in people and companies that contribute to a healthy human ecology. He ...

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Data-Driven Health Coaching for Optimised Performance

Patrick Samy is the co-founder and CEO of Span Health, a start-up that offers health coaching informed by biometric data from lab work and wearable devices. Like me, Patrick started out as a software engineer confronted with his own health challenges. Pairing his curiosity for biology with his background in ...

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You Are Not Broken: A Modern Approach to Women’s Sexual Health and Desire

Kelly Casperson, MD is a board-certified urologist and self-taught women’s sexual health expert. Years of helping care for women has shown her that we, as a society, are not doing enough to teach women about their mind, body and relationships. Kelly aims to break down societal barriers and combat ...

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The True Cause of Insulin Resistance and Obesity (and What To Do Instead)

Peter Dobromylskyj is a UK-based veterinary anaesthetist and nutrition blogger whose blog Hyperlipid is amongst the longest-running and most highly respected in the low-carb and ancestral health communities. Peter has been writing about the biochemistry of nutrition since 2006, and has authored over 800 posts aimed at reviewing, analysing, and ...

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Why You Should Be Testing your HbA1c

Elevated blood glucose is one of the earliest and most common indicators of worsening metabolic health, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. For our clients, fasting blood glucose and triglycerides are amongst the first things we test to get a snapshot view of metabolic health. We’ve now added HbA1C - a ...

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Validation: The Best Communication Tool You’re Not Using (Yet)

Michael S. Sorensen is a business executive by day and a bestselling author, speaker, and relationship coach by night. He has helped hundreds of thousands of people across the world heal broken relationships, revitalize their confidence, and become masters of connection in business, love, and life. Unique among others in ...

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Airway Dentistry: What to Do When You Don’t Breathe Right At Night

Back on the podcast with me today is Physical Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach Zac Cupples. When it comes to physiology, movement and biomechanics, Zac is among the best and has become an invaluable resource to me and many of our clients. He offers online movement consultation, mentoring ...

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L-Citrulline for Cardiovascular Health

For the last 18 months or so NBT Scientific Director Megan Hall has been holding weekly Office Hours sessions on Zoom. It’s a chance for our clients and Patreon supporters to ask questions about just about anything related to improving health and performance and get answers based on the ...

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From Magic to Mindfulness: The Evolution of an Entrepreneur

I’m so excited to introduce you today to a good friend of mine. Jason Connell is a licensed psychotherapist practising in the state of Colorado, with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work from Fordham University. He works with a focus on Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), a ...

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How to Go Faster and Feel More Energetic By Addressing Anaemia and Increasing Oxygen Deliverability

Anaemia is an incredibly common blood condition in which you lack enough red blood cells - or haemoglobin within them - to adequately deliver and supply oxygen to the body’s tissues. Worldwide, children and pregnant women are disproportionately affected, though we’ve had a number of clients benefit from lifestyle changes ...

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Diet and Lifting Q&A with Natural Bodybuilder, Eric Helms

Back on the podcast today is Eric Helms, PhD. Eric is a research fellow at the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand at Auckland University of Technology, pursuing research in training, nutrition and psychology for strength and physique sport. He has a PhD in Strength and Conditioning with a research ...

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