The Nourish Balance Thrive podcast is designed to help you perform better. Christopher Kelly, your host, is a co-founder at Nourish Balance Thrive, an online clinic using advanced biochemical testing to help athletes overcome chronic health complaints and improve performance. On the podcast, Chris interviews leading minds in medicine, nutrition and health, as well as world-class athletes and members of the NBT team, to give you up-to-date information on the lifestyle changes and personalized techniques being used to make people go faster – from weekend warriors to Olympians and world champions.

How to Use AI to Create Your Next Training Plan

Paul Laursen is a coach and scientist known for his exercise physiology and high-performance sports expertise. He holds a PhD in Exercise Physiology and has a teaching, research, and coaching background. Paul has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers, has more than 14,000 citations, and is co-founder of the parent ...

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How to Make New Friends

Despite social media being everywhere, it’s clear that adults in America face an epidemic of loneliness. This trend comes with health risks equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Our guest today has a solution. 

On this podcast, Nick shares his simple formula for hosting low-stress social gatherings to ...

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How to Raise Passionate Kids: The Value of Free Play

Peter Gray, PhD. is a research professor at Boston College in Psychology and Neuroscience, whose recent work focuses primarily on children’s natural ways of learning and the value of play from an evolutionary perspective. He is the author of Free to Learn, a book in which he argues that ...

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Psychedelics and Sleep

Sleep, nutrition, and metabolism expert Greg Potter, PhD, is back on the podcast today with a new twist on help for those interested in sleep. Greg is an international public speaker, science writer, consultant and coach, focusing on working with individuals and organisations to adopt easy and long-lasting lifestyle modifications ...

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How to Fix Chronic Low Back Pain

We’re continuing the conversation this week with Greg Potter, PhD., but with a plot twist. We’ve had Greg on the podcast many times discussing all facets of sleep and circadian biology, but today the topic is low back pain.  Greg has had personal experience with this problem since ...

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The Flex Diet: Using Metabolic Flexibility to Improve Body Composition Goals, Health, and Performance

With us this week is Extreme Human Performance Specialist Mike T Nelson, PhD. Mike has spent 13+ years working with clients, focusing on how to properly condition the body to burn fat and become stronger, more flexible, and healthier. He’s been called in to share his techniques with top ...

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Health Fundamentals: Nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for optimal health, performance and quality of life. Unfortunately, the standard American diet is deficient in many essential nutrients, and at the same time is loaded with toxic ingredients known to cause serious health problems. Making matters worse, doctors rarely test for nutrient deficiencies, which are ...

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How to Get the Right Kind of Light

Back on the podcast, today is sleep, nutrition, and metabolism expert, Greg Potter, PhD. Through his academic research, public speaking, consulting and writing, Greg empowers people to make simple and sustainable lifestyle changes that add years to their lives and life to their years. His work has been featured in ...

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Targeting the Gut for Immune System Health

Back on the podcast today is Steven Wright, the man behind Healthy Gut, a cutting-edge supplement line devoted to helping those suffering with persistent GI problems. After being diagnosed with IBS by several doctors, Steven found relief from his own gut health problems by following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and ...

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Health Fundamentals: Movement and Exercise

The beneficial role of physical movement and exercise in daily life is one of the few things we can all agree on. Extensive research points to movement as essential for living a long and healthy life. It helps keep our bodies strong, flexible, and mobile and helps maintain cognitive health ...

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Health Fundamentals: Stress and Hormesis

Like most critical aspects of health, stress can be a double-edged sword. It’s necessary for physical and emotional growth, and we all know that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. However, too much stress can do far more damage than even a poor diet or a sedentary ...

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Health Fundamentals: How to Get Great Sleep

We’ve decided to do a series of episodes on the fundamentals of good health - each containing the best practical information we’ve come across for improving the quality of your life and achieving your goals. We’re focusing on the most commonly asked-about areas, such as stress and hormesis ...

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