The Nourish Balance Thrive podcast is designed to help you perform better. Christopher Kelly, your host, is a co-founder at Nourish Balance Thrive, an online clinic using advanced biochemical testing to help athletes overcome chronic health complaints and improve performance. On the podcast, Chris interviews leading minds in medicine, nutrition and health, as well as world-class athletes and members of the NBT team, to give you up-to-date information on the lifestyle changes and personalized techniques being used to make people go faster – from weekend warriors to Olympians and world champions.

How to Know if You’re Stressed

Jason Moore is the founder of Elite HRV and Spren, companies offering deep insight into health, stress, and recovery using the technology of heart rate variability (HRV) and other biometrics. For the last decade, his products have focused on helping consumers measure physiological adaptation by essentially providing a snapshot of ...

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Accelerate Your Healing with Hypnosis

Suffering from IBS for 6 years was a wake-up call for Angela Privin. Her gut issues were an internal cry for help, forcing her to identify what wasn't working on both a physical and subconscious level. After solving her own digestive issues naturally, Angela became a digestive health coach ...

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How to Stop Suffering and Restore Your Gut to Health

Steven Wright is an engineer and the Founder and CEO of Healthy Gut, a company that offers hope for those suffering with digestive pain, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, gas, and other GI ailments. Fueled by his own lifelong health problems, Steven coached, researched, and biohacked his way to a better understand ...

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How to Fix Your Chronic Diarrhoea

Today, we’re talking about diarrhoea. An unconventional podcast topic, for sure - but also an extremely important one. Diarrhoea affects almost everyone at some point. It’s one of the most common symptoms that something in our gut is not right. In most cases it’s transitory and we move ...

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How to Optimise Nutrition

Marty Kendall is an engineer who seeks to optimise nutrition using a data-driven approach. His interest in nutrition began eighteen years ago in an effort to help his wife Monica gain better control of her Type 1 Diabetes.  But since then he has worked to develop a systematised approach to ...

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NBT People: Lisa Walker

Probably the most rewarding part of running NBT is getting on the phone with someone who has been working with us for six or 12 months. I recently had a check-in call like this with our client, speech pathologist Lisa Walker. Lisa reached out to us back in March for ...

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Testosterone: Why You Need It and What to Do When You Don’t Have Enough

For men, testosterone is important for mood, bone health, erectile function, libido, strength and muscle mass and is also associated with lower levels of inflammatory markers, better insulin sensitivity, and metabolic health. It also may even have some vasodilatory effects, and higher testosterone levels are also associated with better health ...

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The Clot Thickens: Malcolm Kendrick on the Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease

If you’ve followed the NBT podcast for a while you probably heard Dr. Malcolm Kendrick talking about the tenuous connection between cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease. Malcolm has published with The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics on this topic, including a recent review paper entitled LDL-C does not cause ...

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How to Continually Improve Your Brain Health, Body Composition, Energy, and Athletic Performance Using a Simple Blood Test and Machine Learning

Each month for the past year we’ve offered our group program. It’s an opportunity to use machine learning to predict—from a pretty simple blood test—what is likely happening inside your body (and what might be going wrong) along with expert feedback on the results ...

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How to Nurture a Healthy Vaginal Microbiome

The vaginal microbiome is often mentioned in passing - sort of as an afterthought - usually when we’re really talking about the gut microbiome. We’ve decided to give the vaginal microbiome centre stage today, and with good reason - it’s a huge factor when it comes to the quality of ...

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Living Ancestral Health: Diet, Cohousing and Unschooling

One of the best things about doing this podcast for the past seven years has been how our guests have shaped nearly every aspect of my life and the lives of my family. Over the years my wife Julie and I have built an ancestral lifestyle we believe to be ...

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A Model for Affordable and Accessible Functional Medicine

Dr Gabriel Niles, MD has travelled many roads in his search for the ideal model of healing and flourishing. Prior to his training as a Medical Doctor at USC School of Medicine, he studied Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, China. He has organized and led multiple Circle of Healers retreats ...

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