How to Get Help and Feel Great in Australia Using Advanced Blood Interpretation [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Steve, thank you so much for joining me this afternoon. Steve:    Absolute pleasure, Chris. Thanks for having me. Christopher:    Our absolute pleasure. We're huge fans of your work and your Holistic Practitioner podcast. I was just listening to it this weekend where there was a fantastic story of...

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How to Make Disease Disappear with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee [transcript]

[0:00:00] Tommy:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Tommy Wood and today I am joined by Rangan Chatterjee. Hi, Rangan. Rangan:    Hi, Tommy. Thanks for having me. Tommy:    Thanks for joining me. Rangan, you and I have known each other for a few years...

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Why Cholesterol Levels Have No Effect on Cardiovascular Disease [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Dr. Kendrick, thank you so much for having me today. Malcolm:    It's a pleasure. Nice to see you. Christopher:    Thank you. I'm so happy to be here in Macclesfield interviewing you in person. I have to tell you a little bit about how I got here actually. It's...

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Rethinking Positive Thinking with Gabriele Oettingen [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly, and today my guest is Dr. Gabriele Oettingen. Gabriele is a professor of psychology at New York University. She is the author of more than 150 articles and book chapters on thinking about the...

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How to Use Wearable Technology to Track Training and Recovery [transcript]

[0:00:00] Tommy:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. I'm Tommy Wood and today I am joined by Don Moxley. Hey, Don. Don:    Hey. How are you doing today? Tommy:    I'm doing really well. I'm very excited to finally get you on the podcast. For people who maybe...

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The Dog as the Ultimate Health Upgrade [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly and today I'm delighted to be joined in person by a very special guest. Her name is Torea Rodriguez. Say hello, Torea. Torea:    Hi, everybody. Nice to be here again. Christopher:    Yeah, Torea has...

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How to Drop Your Cholesterol with Dave Feldman [transcript]

[0:00:00] Tommy:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Tommy Wood and today I am joined by Dave Feldman. Hey, Dave. Dave:    Hello, Tommy. Thanks for having me on. Tommy:    Thanks for joining me. Anybody who has gone on a low carb or ketogenic diet...

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How Not to Die of Cardiovascular Disease [transcript]

[0:00:00] Tommy:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Tommy Wood and today I am joined by Ivor Cummins. Hello, Ivor. Ivor:    Hey, Tommy. Great to talk to you again. Tommy:    Thanks for coming and joining us. People who listen to the podcast will have...

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How to Optimise Nutrition for Pregnancy [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly and today I have not one but two very special guests for you. The first is Lily Nichols. Say hello, Lily. Lily:    Hi there. Christopher:     And the second is my very pregnant and...

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Optimal Diet and Movement for Healthspan, Amplified Intelligence and More with Ken Ford [transcript]

[0:00:00] Chris:    Dr. Ford, thank you so much for joining me today. It truly is an honor. Ken:    Great to be here, Chris. Chris:    I was just listening to Episode 49 for the second time of STEM-Taaclk. It truly is the most amazing podcast. My whole team here at NBT...

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How to Measure Readiness to Train [transcript]

[0:00:00] Tommy:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Tommy Wood and today, I am joined by Val Nasedkin. Hi, Val! Val:    Hey, Tommy! Tommy:    Thanks for joining me today. I'm really excited about this conversation that we're going to have. You and I recently...

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Why We Self-Sabotage (And What to Do Instead) [transcript]

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly and today I'm joined once again by Dr. Simon Marshall. Hi, Simon. Simon:    Hey, Chris, always a pleasure. Christopher:    Thank you, thank you, I appreciate that. Simon:    As you know, it's not always a...

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