Aaron Olson of paleorunner.org

May 16, 2014

In this episode I was lucky enough to be joined by Aaron Olson, blogger at paleorunner.org and creator of the wonderful podcast of the same name. Aaron is a forensic lab technician (tech) and not test! Whoops, sorry Aaron.

00:25 The list of amazing guests on Aaron's podcast
01:39 Aaron's story
02:00 The Paleo diet is a cure for digestive issues
02:40 Advice from the doctor made it worse
03:10 Symptoms gone in 3 weeks, life changing for a runner
03:31 Inspired to start the blog and podcast
04:00 Tim Noakes on hydration
04:24 The Perfect Health Diet for pregnancy
05:06 The body as a whole, listening to the body
05:30 Becoming in tune with your body
05:49 Priority foods for pregnancy
06:00 Organ meats for folate and selenium
06:30 No morning sickness, but can be a positive sign
07:00 What is the purpose of morning sickness
07:26 Could protein aversions save a pregnant women and unborn child from pathogens?
08:31 More than 20% protein particularly toxic
09:00 Maximising nutrient density in the run up to pregnancy
10:00 Julia is an amazing cook!
11:00 Planning a birth
11:42 Aaron starting with a traditional doctor, didn’t like what he heard
12:00 Not keen on ultrasound
12:20 Settled for a midwife and birthing center
12:48 Trusting the body to do what it was designed
13:28 Our experience was rather different
14:00 Don’t believe the laundry sales pitch!
14:14 Belly circumference not reliable after 20 weeks
15:28 What is normal gestation?
16:33 Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering
17:17 Our birthing experience
18:00 Julia waited as long as humanly possible before going to the hospital
18:32 Hospitals deal with emergencies!
19:25 Baby was born within 2 hours of our arrival at hospital
20:00 Signing a release form
20:10 Unnecessary blood test
20:37 Silvia is breast fed, but not by Aaron
21:00 Dealing with bottles is an arse
21:43 Nipple probiotics
22:00 Ancestral health and bottle feeding
22:24 No problems eating a Perfect Health Diet whilst breast feeding
23:02 Including some safe starches
24:35 Postnatal pre-diabetes
25:30 Ketogenic diets and breast feeding
26:00 Milk production
26:45 Noakes thinks >118 mg/dL is toxic, Jaminet 140
27:00 Hyper palatable food combinations
28:00 Leafy veg as a vehicle fat
28:40 First foods
28:52 Nourishing Traditions for Baby by Sally Fallon
29:00 Raw egg yolks and liver
29:36 Our first foods
30:00 US Wellness Meats Liverwurst beef trim (30%), liver (30%), heart (20%)
30:30 The Fifth Quarter Charcuterie, Berkeley, CA
31:00 Nordics Naturals fish oil
32:50 Overeating protein
33:00 Breast milk is only 7% protein
34:23 Blending safe starches with bone broth
35:00 Pre-chewing food
36:32 Inoculating with probiotics
37:00 Vaccines
37:30 Making your own decision
38:00 Aaron isn’t completely decided, takes a balanced approach
39:00 Most diseases were already on the decline when vaccination began
39:16 Terry Wahls on the Bulletproof podcast, adjuvants
40:00 Do we need to vaccinate against disease like Polio which have been eradicated?
40:26 Small percentage react severely, risk of death is non-zero
40:50 Measles makes more sense
41:16 Our partner, Dr Jamie Busch and group immunity
42:00 Of course your kid is always most important
42:44 Aaron’s favourite guest is Tim Noakes
44:00 Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong by Emily Oster

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