Nutrition Frequently Asked Questions

Sept. 4, 2015

I've got my wife Julia (Julie) Kelly on the podcast this week to answer some frequently asked questions that she receives during nutrition coaching sessions. We didn't get time to cover everything, so I think will do another follow-up show later.

 The questions are:

  1. Why do you do this? What makes you different?
  2. What's the difference between a food scientist and registered dietician or nutritionist? Marty Kendall of Optimising Insulin recently linked this article on the Diabetes Australia website. I think this is solid evidence to support Julie's decision not to become registered or licensed.
  3. How many calories should I eat?
  4. Do I need to track calories?
  5. How many grams of carbohydrate, fat and protein should I eat?
  6. When will I lose weight?
  7. I still haven’t lost any weight, when’s that going to happen?
  8. Do I need to be in ketosis?
  9. What should I eat for breakfast?
  10. What about when I'm travelling?
  11. Can I bend the AIP rules?

Pictured below, our daughter Ivy. Ivy eats exactly the same food we do.

Did we miss your question? If so, please leave it in the comments section below will be sure to answer it in the next episode.

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