How to Fix Your Chronic Diarrhoea

Jan. 7, 2022

Today, we’re talking about diarrhoea. An unconventional podcast topic, for sure - but also an extremely important one. Diarrhoea affects almost everyone at some point. It’s one of the most common symptoms that something in our gut is not right. In most cases it’s transitory and we move on - but what do you do if it doesn’t just go away? We’ve touched on this topic before while talking about The Athlete’s Gut, but today we’re taking a closer look at this all-too-common issue.

On today’s podcast, NBT Scientific Director and Coach Megan Hall is with me to talk about diarrhoea: the different types, the many causes, and how to fix it when it occurs. She talks about how diarrhoea is both a cause and consequence of gut (and sometimes systemic) pathologies and describes ten different things that may be perpetuating the problem. Most importantly, Megan offers specifics on what you can do to identify and treat your ongoing gut problem.

Be sure to follow along with Megan’s excellent and detailed outline for this episode.

Here’s the outline of this episode with Megan Hall:

[00:01:37] Diarrhoea: why we should care.

[00:02:06] Bristol Stool Chart.

[00:02:54] Megan's outline for this podcast.

[00:03:15] Three general categories: watery, fatty, and inflammatory.

[00:04:53] Causes of diarrhoea.

[00:05:00] Food triggers.

[00:08:45] Tommy Wood's Highlights #2.

[00:10:37] Bile acid malabsorption.

[00:13:08] Genova GI Effects test.

[00:14:23] Histamine; Podcast: Understanding Histamine Intolerance: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments.

[00:16:22] Stress.

[00:18:19] Do Simon Marshall's stress audit; Podcast: How to Manage Stress.

[00:18:25] Caffeine.

[00:20:18] Prostaglandins.

[00:21:19] Exercise. Podcast: The Athlete’s Gut: Why Things Go Wrong and What to Do About It.

[00:25:45] Female Hormone Fluctuations.

[00:27:38] Microbial dysbiosis or pathogens.

[00:28:37] Video: Rewilding the gut - Lucy Mailing (AHS21).

[00:28:59] Malcolm Kendrick; Podcasts: 1, 2, 3.

[00:30:30] IBD, Croh's, Colitis, Celiac Disease, Diverticulitis.

[00:31:11] How to fix the problem.

[00:31:16] Remove food triggers.

[00:34:13] Balance fiber types.

[00:35:43] Lucy and Tommy's paper on the metabolic flexibility of the gut: Sholl, Jonathan, Lucy J. Mailing, and Thomas R. Wood. "Reframing Nutritional Microbiota Studies To Reflect an Inherent Metabolic Flexibility of the Human Gut: a Narrative Review Focusing on High-Fat Diets." Mbio 12.2 (2021): e00579-21.

[00:35:58] Address stress.

[00:39:02] Watch caffeine intake.

[00:39:19] Prostaglandin inhibitors.

[00:40:16] Address microbial dysbiosis or pathogens.

[00:40:52] Supporting gut barrier function and integrity; butyrate: Tributyrin and ProButyrate.

[00:42:18] Bile acid sequestrants; GI Detox.

[00:43:33] Probiotics.

[00:44:52] Pomegranate husk/peel: Dr. Mercola's pomegranate peel tablets.

[00:46:47] Serum derived bovine immunoglobulins (SBIs).

[00:48:44] Support estrogen detoxification.

[00:49:14] Loperamide/Imodium.

[00:51:38] 4 quadrant model.

[00:55:09] Schedule a free 15-minute call with Megan or Clay.

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