Aug. 7, 2020
Dr Jim Stray-Gundersen MD is Board Certified in General Surgery and a world-renowned expert in sports medicine, exercise physiology and training for sports performance. He has worked for 35+ years with Olympic and professional athletes, including the US, Norwegian, German, and Canadian national teams, as well as with NASA, Special Forces, and all levels of the US Military. Jim currently serves as the sports science advisor for the US Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) and is the founder of the SG Performance Medicine Center in Park City, Utah.
On this podcast, Dr Stray-Gundersen defines the mechanisms and application of Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training and its effect on overall health, performance, power, and strength. He explains how BFR can deliver muscle gains identical to traditional strength training but with less weight, reduced risk of injury and faster recovery, making it a viable training option for people of all ages and fitness levels. He discusses the safety of BFR and the potential of this technique to revolutionise training and rehabilitation, particularly at this time when many of us no longer have access to a gym.
Train harder and safer than you were before the gym shut down! Head over to before Aug 31, 2020, and use the discount code Performbetter to save 20% on the BFR system we talk about in this interview.
[00:00:19] Olympic skier Todd Lodwick's 2014 injury and recovery.
[00:11:09] How blood flow restriction (BFR) works.
[00:18:58] STEM-talk podcast: Episode 34: Jim Stray-Gundersen explains how blood flow restriction training builds muscle and improves performance.
[00:19:04] IHMC lecture: Jim Stray-Gundersen - Blood Flow Restriction Training: Anti-aging medicine for the busy baby boomer.
[00:19:08] Increased fast-twitch muscle fibers with BFR training; Study: Yasuda, T., et al. "Muscle fiber cross-sectional area is increased after two weeks of twice daily KAATSU-resistance training." International Journal of KAATSU Training Research 1.2 (2005): 65-70.
[00:22:50] Improvement in strength and muscle mass with walking and other low-load training; Meta-Analysis: Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training on Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy in Older Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
[00:23:35] Increases in VO2max with BFR; Meta-Analysis: Formiga, Magno F., et al. "Effect of Aerobic exercise training with and without blood flow restriction on aerobic capacity in healthy young adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis.” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 15.2 (2020): 175.
[00:30:34] Safety of BFR; Study: Nakajima, T., et al. "Use and safety of KAATSU training: results of a national survey." International Journal of KAATSU Training Research 2.1 (2006): 5-13.
[00:39:24] B Strong vs. Kaatsu.
[00:40:50] Contraindications for BFR.
[00:43:35] BFR for varicose veins.
[00:46:49] How to train.
[00:48:48] 9-minute workout.
[00:51:23] Measuring progress.
[00:56:24] BFR for elite athletes.
[00:57:51] Increased growth hormone and benefits for bone health; Studies: 1. Takarada, Yudai, et al. "Rapid increase in plasma growth hormone after low-intensity resistance exercise with vascular occlusion." Journal of applied physiology 88.1 (2000): 61-65. 2. Sato, Y., and T. Abe. "KAATSU-walk training increases serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase in young men." International Journal of KAATSU Training Research 1.2 (2005): 77-81.
[00:59:10] Why haven't we heard of this?
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