4 Steps to Eliminate Excess Estrogen

Is chemical castration happening to our global population right before our eyes? Is the diet that we have all been told to eat, making us fat, sick and tired? Do companies use chemicals in their products that they know can harm us, or reduce our vitality? I may be bold,...

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Nutrition Coaching FAQ transcript

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly and today I'm joined by my wife and food scientist, Julie Kelly. Julie:    Hello. Christopher:    Okay. So this week, I wanted another show where I got back to basics and I talk about what...

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4 Steps to Successfully Staying Paleo

The end of another long day, you are walking into the grocery store. Your hands grip the shopping cart and knuckles whiten. Your heart rate increases, and you feel a surge of anxiety. “Stay to the edges of the store.” you tell yourself. You walk to the produce department and...

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O2 Boost Webinar transcription

Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast my name is Christopher Kelly and today I would like to tell you about a live webinar this happening this Thursday, September 3, 10 AM Pacific 1 PM Eastern time and I will be joined by Dr Tommy word has been...

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Are Your Red Blood Cells Delivering Oxygen as Well as They Could?

My weekly trip to the lab inside Sutter Health wasn't much fun. Fluorescent lights, the waiting room, people with the flu. Needles and blood. The only thing to look forward to was technician Tracy's welcoming smile. "How was your weekend?" she always asked. Often my reply would be "won another...

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Tim Noakes transcript

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly. And today, I'm joined by Professor Tim Noakes. Hi, Tim. Thanks for coming on. Tim:    Thanks, Chris. Pleasure to be with you. Christopher:    I can't believe this is happening. I'm actually going to interview...

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Tommy Wood and Richard Feinman transcript

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly and today I'm joined by my good friend, research scientist, biochemist, Dr. Tommy Wood. Hi, Tommy. Tommy:    Hi, Chris. Christopher:    Hi. So we're here today to talk about a new paper that was published...

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Creatine + Beta-Alanine Cyclocross Experiment Week 4

I scored 10/10 on Dr. Tommy Wood's Morning Glory Recovery scale this morning, and so being forced to abort today's session was both surprising and disappointing. The confounding variables were slightly elevated HRV and a low resting heart rate of 39. Usually, I know within the first 30 seconds of...

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How To Reverse Secondary Amenorrhea on a Real Food Diet

Do you wonder when—and if—you should try to get your period back? Is losing your menstrual cycle a health issue that will have lasting effects on your hormones and happiness, or is it the price every woman pays for being skinny? You know the answer, but you may not have...

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Amelia Luker transcript

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly, and today I'm joined by my colleague and first full-time employee and a registered nurse, Amelia Luker. Hi, Amelia. Amelia:    Hi, Chris. How are you doing today? Christopher:    I'm good. I'm really good. I'm...

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Creatine + Beta-Alanine Cyclocross Experiment Week 3

It's week three of my creatine and beta-alanine for cyclocross experiment, and I think the washout period and retest (without supplements) is going to have to wait until after cross season. Results: 60 second power up by +11.60% (from baseline) For an explanation of why I'm doing this, see this post....

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Tommy Wood carbohydrates transcript

[0:00:00] Christopher:    Hello and welcome to the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast. My name is Christopher Kelly and today I'm joined by Dr. Tommy Wood. Hi, Tommy. Tommy:    Hello. Christopher:    Thanks for coming on, Tommy. I really appreciate you being here. Today, we're going to talk about carbohydrate and specifically carbohydrate...

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