Affiliate Program

Written by Christopher Kelly

Dec. 8, 2014

Everybody is different, and yet we all have similar basic requirements:

  • A nutrient dense diet low in toxins.
  • Sufficient rest, especially sleep.
  • Movement, especially walking.
  • Resilience to emotional stress.

So what’s next if your basic needs are being met, and you’re still not getting results? More of the same? Is eating less and exercising more really going to meet your client’s fat loss goals? Are they not sleeping because of an Ambien deficiency? Are allergies just bad luck? Are they tired and depressed because the plan needs tweaking? Do you know of an in-network primary care physician that cares about athletic performance?

My last set of carbon fiber bicycle wheels cost $2,500. Our platinum package costs under $1,800 and includes nutrition coaching, a comprehensive functional medicine workup consisting of four lab tests, written protocol and unlimited follow-up appointments via phone or Skype. Which do you think is likely to make your client happier? The wheels, or functional medicine?

Quitting my cushy day job as a computer programmer at a quantitative hedge fund last March has allowed me to help over 200 people in less than nine months. During that time, lots of people have asked me if I have an affiliate program. Initially the answer was, “What’s that?” And later, “No, not really”--I thought there was no point because you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Now, I see that a great coach is able to educate and enable their clients to make the right decisions to meet each individual’s unique goals.

There are no shortage of people that need our help, and my goal is to reach as many of them as possible. That’s where you come in. Make Nourish Balance Thrive one of the tools of your trade. In return, I’m more than happy to share the profits with you.

Here’s how the affiliate program works:

  1. Sign up for an account at
  2. Or, if you already have an account, sign in and head over to the account information page
  3. Click Generate New Affiliate Information
  4. Email me your completed W9 form
  5. Cut and paste the links and discount code into an email to your client.

I will pay $50 for each purchase of a program including a lab test, and 15% of the profits on all subsequent supplement sales thereafter.

  • People typically take about six months to get better, and I will track them as ‘yours’ for the duration. 
  • The cash will be paid monthly via PayPal to the email address you supply on sign up. If you really twist my arm, I’ll send you a check.
  • Your work makes my life easier, and I will not try and interfere with any of your recommendations.
  • I recently added a certified and registered nurse to my team and will add more practitioners if necessary.
  • Email me your questions, I’m happy to help.

“Wow, this is what normal people feel like” -- Clay Higgins

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