Written by Christopher Kelly
March 27, 2014
Bone broth (or soup stock) is simply the bones of some vertebrate boiled in water. The longer you boil it, the more of minerals (typically calcium, magnesium and phosphorous) end up in the broth. Even better, bone broth is rich in proline and glycine that are found almost nowhere else in our diet. These two amino acids form the building blocks of cellular scaffolding, without them we would literally fall apart.
I normally use beef bones that get delivered by our CSA Tara Firma Farms.
It’s really cheap and easy to make, some butchers will even give the bones away. I usually add chicken heads or feet for extra collagen.
Then leave on a low simmer for a minimum of 24 hours. I’ve tried less, it’s just not worth your time. When chilled it should be cloudy and gelatinous like in the picture.
Anyone on a ketogenic or gut healing diet should be drinking bone broth daily so make a habit of it. As soon as one batch is done, start the next. If you end up with too much, cool it, chill it, freeze it in a ziploc bag or better yet donate it to a friend.
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